Evan Rosson
Hi there! I program computers, hug trees, study 日本語, and bake vegan cakes.
Things I've made
- Swarm Simulator, a text-only browser-based idle game
Play Swarm Simulator now!
- Swarmsim source code
- Not my work, but related: Swarmsim Android and Swarmsim iOS are based on my game, with much prettier graphics
- FreeCBT, a mobile app for cognitive behavioral therapy, based on Quirk
- Github has all my other open-source code
- Mastodon has photos of everything I've baked, and is my only active social media
Contact me
- Signal is the best way to reach me
- [email protected] is my email for Swarmsim and other game development
- [email protected] is my email for everything else
- LinkedIn exists, but please do not send me job listings, I am not interested in work